1 - my blog design is up all thanks to the amazing Kassie - I couldn't recommend her more. She has such a great selection of things to pick from that are perfect to suit your blog AND she's patient and creative!
2 - I finally get to link up with Farley's Currently!
So here goes ...
Listening: I'm catching up on the episodes of the best. I'm very slightly behind now that I'm finally up to the "Knockouts" (since doing my 'Currently'). I can't keep up with "The Voice" too much during the week because Monday nights are grad school ..
Loving: Oh my gosh! You have no idea - well, you probably do since we are all there as teachers ;) - how grateful I am to have off today, tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday.
Thinking: ....and since I have off all this time, I just threw a lot of things onto my weekend to-do. So let's see how well I time manage rather than sleep and catch-up on my shows. :)
Wanting: Oh, the last time I had a pork roll/egg/cheese sandwich with apple juice was Saturday ... right after I had completed a 5 mile race. :) And being that I'm off .. I want to eat something that I don't get to eat every day because who has time or money to constantly eat/purchase a breakfast sandwich, and, of course, it's not the healthiest. -_-
Needing: More sleep because I'm on a mini-vacation! Who gets up at 8 am when they can still sleep ?! Or I may need a massage because my right hip is bothering me. A spa day would be nice.
A Yummy Pin: Who can't find something delicious on Pinterest ?! Here's mine - enjoy!

Canoli dip! from Cooking Classy
It looks sooo deliciously appetizing, and I think it would go in a h e a r t b e a t at Thanksgiving or Christmas!
Now it's your turn! Don't forget to go link up!
Hey Jenn,
Read your post when I linked up with Farley's Currently. I think that I am needing the same things that you are!! What is it about this pain in my right hip??? ugh! From an experienced teacher, good luck with your first year!! TeachingandLearning
Love your new blog design! It's amazing! That cannoli dip looks to die for... I have a weakness for sweets. Yum!
My Shoe String Life
OMG we had 5 days off too and my goodness it was such a tease! Now I am counting down the days until winter break. =) Yay for being your newest follower. Drop by!
Just Wild About Teaching
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