1 - my blog design is up all thanks to the amazing Kassie - I couldn't recommend her more. She has such a great selection of things to pick from that are perfect to suit your blog AND she's patient and creative!
2 - I finally get to link up with Farley's Currently!
So here goes ...
Listening: I'm catching up on the episodes of the best. I'm very slightly behind now that I'm finally up to the "Knockouts" (since doing my 'Currently'). I can't keep up with "The Voice" too much during the week because Monday nights are grad school ..
Loving: Oh my gosh! You have no idea - well, you probably do since we are all there as teachers ;) - how grateful I am to have off today, tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday.
Thinking: ....and since I have off all this time, I just threw a lot of things onto my weekend to-do. So let's see how well I time manage rather than sleep and catch-up on my shows. :)
Wanting: Oh, the last time I had a pork roll/egg/cheese sandwich with apple juice was Saturday ... right after I had completed a 5 mile race. :) And being that I'm off .. I want to eat something that I don't get to eat every day because who has time or money to constantly eat/purchase a breakfast sandwich, and, of course, it's not the healthiest. -_-
Needing: More sleep because I'm on a mini-vacation! Who gets up at 8 am when they can still sleep ?! Or I may need a massage because my right hip is bothering me. A spa day would be nice.
A Yummy Pin: Who can't find something delicious on Pinterest ?! Here's mine - enjoy!

Canoli dip! from Cooking Classy
It looks sooo deliciously appetizing, and I think it would go in a h e a r t b e a t at Thanksgiving or Christmas!
Now it's your turn! Don't forget to go link up!